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Alternatives to eBay for WHFB miniatures?

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 2:20 pm
by MasterOfNone
Hi All,
You may be aware of a recent change in eBay: the new eBay payments management system. Slowly, everyone on eBay is being forced to opt in, or be unable to sell.
Many people are complaining about it, saying it is driving out small commercial and private sellers.
That would be sad, because I am not aware of a marketplace as wide for older, second hand miniatures and conversion bits.
I don't know if the doomsayers are right, probably the effects will take longer to fully read out. However, in my particular case wanting is not the issue, as I am unable to transition to the new system.
Apparently being an Italian in the UK, with an Italian passport, is something that eBay cannot cope with.
This means I am unable to start new listings and I am beginning to look for an alternative that would allow me to trade in the UK, mainly. (Given Brexit, I am not keen to deal with the customs paperwork involved with selling to Europe - done once, not going to repeat).

Has anyone got suggestions, better if from personal experience, and with an explanation of their reasoning?

Re: Alternatives to eBay for WHFB miniatures?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 5:18 pm
by SpellArcher
As someone currently buying stuff on eBay I had no idea MON. Sorry to hear it's causing such trouble. I'm aware that there's a market on Facebook but know no details I'm afraid as I don't have an account with them.

Re: Alternatives to eBay for WHFB miniatures?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:07 pm
by MasterOfNone
SpellArcher wrote:As someone currently buying stuff on eBay I had no idea MON. Sorry to hear it's causing such trouble. I'm aware that there's a market on Facebook but know no details I'm afraid as I don't have an account with them.
Maybe it will not make a big difference. I don't know, there are a lot of comments and interpretations about the meaning and consequences of this change. Mostly people are winging and venting.
Anytime a corporate entity makes changes to policies I am no under illusions that these are for the betterment of a community. They are always and invariably aiming at maximising monetary profit.
People complaining about it are naive, IMHO.
The question is whether one wants to continue using a certain service, albeit at worsened conditions.
For me on eBay probably yes, I got used to it and I have found a way to overcome the problem I described earlier - I just gave them my British driving license instead. A bit annoyed, but not enough. eBay wins.
At least I won't have to sign up for Facebook.

Re: Alternatives to eBay for WHFB miniatures?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:09 pm
by SpellArcher
MasterOfNone wrote:I have found a way to overcome the problem
That's a relief.

Re: Alternatives to eBay for WHFB miniatures?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:45 am
by Cirion RedDragon
I got a queasy feeling when I started seeing the first UPC's appear on the books and records I was buying in the early 70s.
I was just a kid, so I just thought they were ugly, not realizing how sinister they would turn out to be.
I tend to think the internet was created as a trap fronm the very beginning, precisely to usher in a system of total, absolute control over every single aspect of everyone's life, massive power concentrated in the hands of a very very few.
NEVER trust any large corporation, NEVER trust ANYTHING that exists only in cyberspace - such as Fleabay, Faceborg, - NEVER get too comfortable with any online 'platform' (actually: publisher), NEVER trust AI in any form.
If you're just an individual - not a store - and you have things to sell, try to do so on fan- or collector sites, like maybe this forum if it's miniature game related or at least adjacent.
Stay away from the big sites, because all you're doing is speeding up the process of them becoming even bigger, pushing all the small ones off the market until we only have 1 store left to buy anything[ at all...from a stick of gum to a car......
There are places where it's already a little bit like that.