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Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:48 pm
by D-4QP
***For those of who who have not read The End Times: Khaine, or haven't heard the good/bad news from another source, this post contains SPOILERS. It is recommend that you immediately avert your eyes and postpone reading this post until you have read Khaine. You have been warned...***

After scrolling through the Druchii forum, I discovered a post where our Dark Elf cousins were talking about where their loyalties fell in regards to the recent conflict between Tyrion and Malekith.

As you are likely all aware, Asuryan had apparently always intended for Malekith to be the Phoenix King, but our extra-crispy king had thrown himself out of the flames too quickly. As a result, Asuryan had to throw a series of tests at him (The Sundering, The Civil War, etc.) to make sure that he was worthy. Tyrion, unwilling to accept Malekith as king, and feeling betrayed by Alarielle and Teclis for having sided with Malekith, drew the Widowmaker and lead a host of like-minded High Elves and Khainite Dark Elves against Malekith.

As was expected, the Dark Elves were divided in their loyalties.

And now, I present the same question to you. Will you side with the Eternity King Malekith, the son of Aenarion and the ruler of all Elves by divine right? Or will you serve the Avatar of Khaine, Tyrion, the bearer of the Widowmaker and one of the greatest warriors in the history of the Asur?

Or, instead, will you chose to believe that the events from The End Times: Khaine never happened? :wink:

My fellow Asur, whom do you serve?

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:50 pm
by Truthiness
I'm going to with option C) The Everqueen. Yeah, that tentatively puts me on Malekith's side, but I'm still hoping for a nice gruesome death for Mally.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:07 pm
by T.D.
I'm going neutral :mrgreen:

When the smoke clears, overthrow the battle-weakened victor :twisted:

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:35 pm
by Asurion Whitestar
Malekith all the way.

For the king Eternal..

In all seriousness, everyone saying they'd never side with Malekith are clearly in the Khainite Tyrion boat, remembering that you really only have 2 options of choice whereas chaos is the other, or you vs the world.

I guess I've always kinda been pro-Maley, from his Time of Legend stories, and from the first Phoenix King Debate on here. I've always thought he could redeem himself and that he would be the best leader for the elves of Ulthuan (didn't know at the time that included all elves).

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:49 pm
by RogueSun
I follow the Crown Prince Imrik. If he believes it is the best course of action for the survival of the Elves to follow Malekith the cursed son, then so be it. For the glory of Ulthuan and the pride of Caledor!

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:02 pm
by Aicanor

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:29 am
by Swordmaster of Hoeth
None. Never did, never will.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:39 am
by Domine Nox
None of the above. I have spent up until this past week as a huge fan and supporter of Tyrion and the Everqueen, but this latest book has me appalled at both of their choices. So I guess I'll go with Teclis, who hopefully has a plan up his sleeve still since I refuse to live in a world where Malekith is a 'good guy.' I can think of countless characters that have done less to hurt the elven people, Archaon among them, than Malekith.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:39 am
by IgnobleElf
None of the above. I have no problem with shaking up the status quo/advancing the storylines, as the end times is doing. I wish the narrative had been truer to the back stories of the High and Dark Elves. A previous entry in the end times alluded to "the Dragon resisting", I was hoping this referred to something like Malekith's final invasion of Ulthuan, with Caledor the last bastion of defense. I wouldn't even care who wins really, but at least it would have been more consistent with the established background of the factions. I could still be a proud high elf general. As it stands, I look at my little plastic high elves in my curio cabinet, and I hate them for being traitors. I then realize that my life is pathetic, cry, and go drink liquor.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:30 am
by Cetis
Under 8 Ed Asur all the way. When 9 Ed comes, if they in fact joined the elves, I still go with the elves. End of times I side with the Eternity King, but in my army will be more Helves and Welves than Delves. But I'm not closing my eyes. Try to get the pick of the litter. One thing you will not see is witch elves, or the cauldron of blood or the gorgon chariot.every thing else be a possibilty.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:57 am
by wamphyri101
None also

I'd rather tread my own path then work for anyone else

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:56 am
by Prince of Spires
You're all welcome in the colonies.

Spires has put his feet on the path towards independence. He's not becoming a treehugger following the enemy of the last 6000 years. With Ulthuan gone, so are old allegiances.

So come join Ulthuan-in-Exile and the City of Spires.


Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:11 am
by Swordmaster of Hoeth
Why should we trust another prince when so many betrayed claiming it was necessary? Or that it was for a greater good? Imrik's betrayal stings more than the fact Melekith mounted yet another invasion.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:03 am
by Ferny
All of the above, depending on list construction. Looking forward to having Caledor forces following Teclis' ineffable plan, Everqueen forces following possibly the only God who cares about elves, Malekith the PK/EK forces who are following their age-old leader (or who are following their newly appointed leader/puppet), 'neutral' Anar forces providing a non-Khainite zombie/Malekith traitor option, Khainite forces with Tyrion and 'true' high elves following their Defender and avatar of war against their hated many options!

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:11 am
by Imrik Gwindorian
I trust in my prince, and will follow Imrik where-ever he may lead me. If that means following Malekith, then so be it.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:37 pm
by Curu Olannon
I follow Teclis ;)

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:22 pm
by Big Brother
Curu Olannon wrote:I follow Teclis ;)
This is where am, but doesn't mean I like where it appears to be going.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:52 pm
by Honourblade
My army of Highborn Guard split from the High Elves and now protect there battle brothers of Bretonnia, the Dwarfs, and the Empire, as well as a few Vampires that remained loyal to Prince Highborns Champion Jester (He is a human turned Vampire who protects Highborn). I have had 2 games already agaisnt Maliekieth's forces so I could determine my fluff, I lost 3 3rds of my army retreating from Ulthuan, and Jester won out against a Vampire army sent to pick him up and bring him to Nagash, it was 500 Points against 1500 Points.. Was so much fun, and my Escape game was 5000 Points on 3000, haha! So that is my fluff now

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:35 am
by Makiwara
The Great Enemy comes for the souls of all elvenkind, our People squander thier heritage, homes and glory in petty squabbles against each other and our Gods have made pawns of us. Neither Eternal King nor Everqueen nor petty dragon riding prince commands me.

I serve The People and their salvation.
I serve Loec.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:58 pm
by Cetis
I will follow Lord Teclis to Hell and Back.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:09 am
by Count
Alith Anar

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 12:25 am
by Karalael Moonsinger
I'll follow the will of the Council of Saphery (so probably Hoeth like Aicanor).

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:14 am
by Francis
I am really wondering what happened to Finreir and the Tower by now, I think he played the role of Hoeth in the whole story.

Also, there really is no reason to go to Athel Loren and rub shoulder with those tree hugging Asrai and backstabbing Druchii. As has been said, the colonies are more than willing to take in anyone. There are in fact eight major cities in the south all looking to increase their populations in these troubled times :D .

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:56 am
by Iluvatar
Francis wrote:Also, there really is no reason to go to Athel Loren and rub shoulder with those tree hugging Asrai and backstabbing Druchii. As has been said, the colonies are more than willing to take in anyone. There are in fact eight major cities in the south all looking to increase their populations in these troubled times :D .
And that's pretty much the reason for not going massively into these cities: they're in the south. Far from where the Chaos needs to be fought.

We, High Elves, have to defend the world against the Chaos Gods. But we can't do this alone, we need support from mortals - humans, dwarves, possibly Lizardmen - and even undead. And we must fight together, at the same time, or the Chaos will crush each faction one after the other.

Thus, we need to be where the action is - and that is currently the Old World.
And thus, we must swallow our lesser pride and accept to unite (temporarily?) with other Elves. Our greater pride of defenders of the world requires it.


Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:05 am
by Francis
Iluvatar wrote:
Francis wrote:
Thus, we need to be where the action is - and that is currently the Old World.
And thus, we must swallow our lesser pride and accept to unite (temporarily?) with other Elves. Our greater pride of defenders of the world requires it.
Good luck with that, and do give Mally my best. Erthror is Sailing south as fast as the Swooping Griffon can carry him :wink: .

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:28 am
by Iluvatar
Bah! You have goblin blood in your veins, you do not deserve to be an Elf! :evil:

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:58 am
by Daeron
D-4QP wrote: As you are likely all aware, Asuryan had apparently always intended for Malekith to be the Phoenix King, but our extra-crispy king had thrown himself out of the flames too quickly. As a result, Asuryan had to throw a series of tests at him (The Sundering, The Civil War, etc.) to make sure that he was worthy. Tyrion, unwilling to accept Malekith as king, and feeling betrayed by Alarielle and Teclis for having sided with Malekith, drew the Widowmaker and lead a host of like-minded High Elves and Khainite Dark Elves against Malekith.
As I understood... Teclis originally wanted Malekith to draw the Widowmaker. Either because he assumed that Malekith could temper the Widowmaker with Asuryan's blessing or perhaps he preferred Malekith to become the Avatar of Khaine... Maybe that would have left Tyrion as the best candidate for Asuryan.
But it was Tyrion who thwarted that attempt and took the Widowmaker for himself, upon which Teclis prodded Malekith through the flames of Asuryan.
According to Teclis, Malekith was indeed destined to be successor to Aenarion. He did not say Tyrion wasn't a candidate, AFAIK, or couldn't be a successor to Malekith. It was Tyrion who removed himself from that path.

Of course, I'll follow Malekith because there is little else to follow.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:37 pm
by Spartoi
Nah he originally wanted Tyrion to wield it alongside Malekith as King. Imrik even takes him on about how reckless that is. Doesn't really matter since he reveals at the end Tyrion has to die and stay dead. For some reason some Gods can die, Isha and Asuryan, without their mortal Avatars dying but Khaine's different because of 'plot device' I suppose.

Malekith was always Asuryan's candidate now so there was no option for Tyrion there. All the Phoenix Guard bowing to him was maybe like Asuryan's idea of a practical joke on Khaine.

Also Tyrion only draws Widowmaker because, to his knowledge, Teclis just killed Aliathra, Eldyra, Belannar and Finubar. Teclis then joins Malekith, the only explanation he gives Tyrion is; 'it was necessary', helps Malekith's army as it kills people and tries to kill Tyrion too. So yeah It's hardly 'Tyrion did it to himself absolve all others' if you ask me.

Personally I'd just have, if I must choose a side, warped Alarielle to talk to Tyrion before he draws Widowmaker instead of, ya know, trying to burn him with dragon fire and then when that fails go all 'dude, dude don't do it I care, dragon fire was total accident, totes'.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:44 pm
by Shadeseraph
The gods are liars. Their servants are but another shadow of chaos itself, and have betrayed us and our people. As such, me and my army turn our backs to our roots. We will fend chaos on our own terms. We will fight under our own conditions. We will die, if that's our fate, not because someone else decided our destiny for us, but because we decided to face it on our own accord.

Our sword won't fail in the eternal battle against chaos, no matter who wields his by our side. But no one will, ever again, use us as unwitting pawns on his own selfish schemes.

Re: Whom do you serve? The End Times: Khaine (SPOILER ALERT)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:51 pm
by Aicanor
