Rain in Marienburg

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Rain in Marienburg

#1 Post by Ar-Earandur »

Richardt snapped. ?I tell you it?s the truth. The voice came from around the corner. Richardt surveyed the room. The sea dragon Tavern was filled with smoke and noise. He could swear he could hear every tongue in the Old World without leaving the Tavern.

Richardt`s view turned to the mirror in the bar. Through the smoke he could barely see himself, and behind him the man who talked. -I found Enzo in an alley. The man was obviously from Tilea or perhaps Estalia Richardt thought. ?He had been beaten senseless. The man continued. ?Really another voice said. ? Yeah really, the first man replied. ?He was babbling about a star when I found him, said something about his star being stolen.

Richardt put his hand in the pocket of his brown coat. He felt the medallion. From what Richardt knew it had to be made of Mithril or something. Star shaped the medallion was the smoothest thing Richardt had ever touched. He remembered the short Tilean he had met in the dark alley. The Tilean had been very cooperative with a knife to his throat. But that had changed very quickly once Richardt had taken the medallion around his neck. The small Tilean had turned from victim to attacker, just like Halflings when their food was threatened Richardt reflected.

He had no choice but to knock the man out before the patrols caught them. It was hard being a robber in Marienburg, but luckily the man had passed out after a hard blow to the head.

Richardt got to his feet and prepared to leave the tavern. After all he wouldn?t like to be recognized would he, no he better disappear. Richardt left some money on his table and walked out the door of the Tavern. Outside it rained heavily??

Richardt was still wet from the rain. He was sheltering in one of the many storage houses found in the dock areas of Marienburg. It wasn?t luxurious but it was better then being outside in this heavy rain. Besides he could look through some of the goods stored there. He had to watch out for the guards though. Most merchants had guards guarding their merchandize.

Richardt moved towards a big crate, he couldn?t see any labelling, but decided to open it anyway. With a crack the Crate opened. Richardt listened for any sounds?. Nothing could be heard except for a few cats moving in the shadows. He looked at the contents of the crates, elegant bottles with the finest Tilean wine. Richardt took a couple of bottles and sat down. He opened a bottle and tasted. It tasted of pure luxury.

Richardt froze. The front door of the Warehouse was opening. Quickly Richardt moved towards the backdoor. He heard steps behind him, they where closing. Richardt reached the door and quietly opened it and got outside. It was still raining heavily?

Richardt was wet now. He was sitting beneath a staircase. The Tilean wine he had lifted from the warehouse burned slightly in his throat. Richardt`s hands where somehow drawn towards his pocket. He found the medallion and took it out; it felt warm to his hand. The medallion was glowing, Richardt realised now why Enzo had called it his star.

Suddenly Richardt felt threatened, the medallion was threatening him. The medallions light was growing clearer. Richardt put it back in his pocket and got up. He felt worried as if someone was chasing him. Richardt felt panic taking hold of him. Suddenly Richardt started running down the alley.

Richardt didn?t look to either side; he just kept running straight ahead. Falling water whipped him in the face as he ran through the dark alleys.

-Thump. Richardt crashed into something and tumbled onto the street. Looking up he saw a quite grumpy group of dwarves. Richardt didn?t explain, he just got up and continued running. Behind him he could hear the cursing of the dwarves, but he did not care.

Richardt collapsed. Utterly exhausted he dragged himself towards the wall of a house. His heart pounding Richardt stretched for his pocket. He felt the medallion, still smooth and still warm. He took it out of his pocket. It was still glowing, even stronger then before in fact. The Medallions light grew stronger and stronger.

Totally exhausted Richardt got back up and started running. His heart pounded and he was panting for breath. The rain was drumming against the rooftops and whipping against his face. Richardt stumbled onwards.

On the rooftop above a shadow was moving. Always hidden never stationary the shadow moved over the rooftops of Marienburg. Clad in black the elf was nigh invisible as he took aim. Below him he could see a man stumbling. A man like any else if not for one thing, this one was a thief. He had stolen something he had no right to own.

The arrow flew through the air. Richardt heard something approaching. He turned just in time to see the arrow cower the last five feet. Everything turned silent, Richardt couldn?t hear anything, even the rain drumming against the rooftops was gone. He fell to his knees. Richardt felt mildly amused at the arrow sticking out from his chest. Where had it come from?

Richardt fell backwards. As his head hit the ground sound returned to him. He could hear the Rain drumming against the rooftops and the street. He could feel the Rain whipping his face. He could feel the pain spreading from his chest.

A black-clad elf entered his field of vision. ?Where is the star? He asked gripping Richardt by the throat. Richardt couldn?t answer; instead he stretched towards his pocket. The black-clad elf saw this and quickly removed the medallion from Richardt`s pocket.

Before Richardt could react the Elf had vanished back into the shadows he came from. Richardt looked at the arrow protruding from his chest again. It was green fletched and made from some white wood Richardt didn?t know. Close to his chest it was slightly red from his blood, which streamed from the wound. Richardt closed his eyes. The rain was still falling??

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#2 Post by Salandilar »

I just finised readind and only what I can say: excelet work!! you have talent to writing
Posts: 60
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#3 Post by SlythRa »

Decent writing, I take it this is all background story for your Elven character your writing about?
Stories based in the old world are always more interesting because of the mix of races IMO.
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#4 Post by Ar-Earandur »

It does contain some hints. :D
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