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Re: Part 33-- The Shadow Knights

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:47 am
by Larose
Part 33-2

Blood streamed past the corner of his right eye, as Althran pulled his sword from his opponents chest. The Druchii armor was made of numerous scales, which provided little protection against a straight thrust from his silver leaf shaped great-sword. The elf fell to the ground upon his dark scaled cloak that marked him as a corsair, known for raiding Ulthuan's coastline settlements.
He was always amazed on how much they resembled the Nagarathi... the dark hair and shaded features were not prevalent in the southern kingdoms.

Althran turned his gaze to the towering citadel which stood but a hundred paces away, its slim spires rose high and seemed to touch the stars in the night sky.
Bodies were littered throughout the courtyard as the Druchii seemed to have been outnumbered. Sefian Brakist had docked his ship before theirs and clearly had made it to the citadel. Though much of the fighting had dwindled, the city still contained pockets of Druchii fighting to the bitter end.

He quickened his pace as Dethadrin and a dozen golden armored Asur, followed in his wake. Amongst his sentinels walked Lucinia, though bound at the wrists she still walked with an elegance that matched her dark flowing robes and shimmering long dark hair.
The Archmage had insisted she be taken to witness the events as they unfolded, good or bad Althran had made little protest to the notion. Her bright ocean blue eyes were euphoric even despite the disastrous position he was in.

The group approached the great double doors, which stood over twice his own height and were half open. A figure came sprawling from the citadel doors with a force that opened them wide, and sprinted past Althran and those behind him; it was an elf clad in red robes and silver armor.

"Gidras!" He shouted in anger, though became quickly distracted with the spectacle inside the hall.

Daemons made of red flesh, dark black horns and 'hoof' like feet; were swinging giant black swords and seemed to have the upper hand against the hand full of elves left fighting for their lives.

"Kill the Daemons!" Dethadrin shouted as he paced to Althrans' position. The only fresh clothing they could find had been from an old chest with dark grey robes. They gave him a rather ragged and sinister look, as he unleashed burning white flames upon his enemies.

Althran sprinted into the main hall with a wide slash that cleaved a nearby daemon in half, the blood was unnaturally dark and thick as it dripped off his blade.

The shadow knight from Copher was further down the hall, swinging a massive white sword with blurring speed as he engaged multiple daemons at once.
Althran passed bloody corpses amongst the tall pillars in the room, while burning coals from the broken braziers were littered about the floor. He was trying to reach the shadow knights position, and could not help but notice how the broken bodies of his fellow Asur, depicted a small timeline of a progressing skirmish.

Upon reaching another pillar, Althran found a gruesome scene of burning corpses surrounding a dark robe'd human leaning against the wall; a dark ebony sword protruded from his chest amongst numerous other wounds. While the white blood stained beard helped him recognize the brave warrior as Tywin, the human that had fought fiercely upon the walls of Copher.

"Glad you could join us!" Came a familiar call, revealing captain Soretu shortly after. His left arm hung limply at his side with blood dripping off his fingers, and he held his long sword with his right hand as he made his way around the nearby pillar.
The captain parried a ferocious swing from an advancing daemon, and with a quick jump forward; he cleanly cut the head from its shoulders with one precise swing.

"Move to the room down the hall, the Daemon is after the amulet!" Shouted Velnos in a panic from a few paces away.

"I see daemons everywhere.." Replied Althran, as Soretu smiled with a light chuckle.

" No this is a big one." The Captain gawked with what seemed to be a hint of anxiety.

* * *

The stone parapets seemed to sway with the night sky, which gave her dire position a sickening twist. Ada tried to concentrate despite the screeching cries from the amulet, demanding her to rejoin it to the half that dangled from Darenusaka's grip. The daemon approached her with steady and almost thunderous steps that rumbled the stonework beneath her feet.

She felt helpless as her body was heavy and the stress of seeing Calehir stunned against the nearby wall, was overwhelming.

"You will give me the amulet girl! No one can save you now." The words were almost enchanting as the daemon came within arms length and gripped his claw around her throat. He lifted her off the ground and began to squeeze as he stared deep into her eyes.

"You do not fear me?" He spoke again and laughed aloud, though the sounds were becoming distant from the lack of air. Even the room itself seemed to tunnel away with a terrifying cloud over her vision.

"You wi--"

A thunderous cry seemed to echo in her ears as her throat was released, allowing her a deep and cough ridden gasp of air.
Ada's vision returned to see Calehir thrust his great-sword deep into Darenusaka's side, while the right arm seemed to be already missing at the elbow.
Though as Calehir made to twist his sword and retreat... the daemons free claw streaked forward and pierced the prince's chest while lifting him off the ground.

Her body felt instantly hot as a burning anger ravaged through her veins and with a shrieking cry... everything was swallowed in a blinding white light.

After a few moments she could see her arms in front of her with the amulet gripped in both hands, her eyes throbbed as colors returned to normal and her breathing slowed.
Black ashes circled with the wind as nothing remained of Darenusaka save his arm at her feet, pieces of the citadel fell to the ground below as the blast had torn parts of the parapet and the wall itself.

Ada immediately fell to her knees beside Calehir, and cradled his head in her lap with tears streaming down her cheeks. His eyes partially opened and seemed to recognize her with his familiar smile.

"You are safe... this... is a good death... my love."

"How can you say that! No you will live... you must!" She was shouting amidst her tears as he continued to smile, though his eyes were dimming.

Her body felt the true exhaustion as his head tilted and went still in her hands, her vision was filled with water and her chest ached as if it were hard to breathe.

A light clang of sluggish metal greaves caught her attention, to which she noticed Sefian Brakist approaching. His chest had a similar wound to that of Calehir's and caused him to collapse against the nearby wall. Though the elf wore Sefian's armor, he looked far different from before... his hair... jaw and even eye color had changed.

" Who are you?" She asked solemnly and returned her gaze to Calehir.

"I can not... heal, damned daemon magic... its poison. How could this be my end, Asuryan's champion." He paused amidst his hard breathing and continued to look at her.

"No... it is you half elf, I am but the messenger. One day you will understand... keep the amulet safe... one day it will save our people... You must believe."

His head tilted upon his final words and his body keeled over with a light thud, leaving her alone in silence for what seemed an eternity.

Epilogue to come 8)

Re: Part 33-2 . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:54 am
by Malossar
Its almost over! Fantastic piece as ever.

Re: Part 33-2 . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:01 pm
by Larose
thelordcal wrote:Its almost over! Fantastic piece as ever.
Thx Cal, and I know ! Every good story must come to an end. :cry:

Though I am delighted to see you writing, ha as I like reading stories as much as writing them 8)

Re: Part 33-2 . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:15 am
by Elessehta of Yvresse
Gods Above and Below, I have a lot to catch up on ^_^

Re: Part 33-2 . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:36 pm
by Aicanor
Good chapter, but so sad.

Re: Part 33-2 . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:23 pm
by Larose
Ele, yes you do :wink:

And yea... So sad aicanor I thought long and hard about that scene... Don't worry epilogue almost done and its a little brighter :D

Re: Part 33-2 . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:17 pm
by Larose

The sun was low in the sky and drew nearer to the horizon, as Dethadrin found himself walking along the northern city parapets. The wall guarding the plains that stretched endlessly in the growing dark.
A day had past since the night of the gruesome attack, which had laid so many of their brothers to rest... so many of his friends.
Tears dripped from Dethadrins' eyes as his thoughts raced with memories of Calehir and Norein... even the human Tywin had become a close companion in Copher.
He was taken unaware, to which he lost Norein and now arrived too late to save his closest friend... or her for that matter.
Yet despite his failures... his anger was non-existent. A deep hole seemed to gape within him and caused an aimless sense of wandering about the city... watching others grieve and try to clean the destruction.
A few of the local nobles were all that remained of the city's hierarchy, as Herasin had been slain during the battle with all of those that had accompanied him; and as such the city was in a state of disarray.

A gust of wind caught his ragged gray robe and forced him to return his attention to his surroundings.


Came a low and rumbling voice with a looming gold eye, which crested the parapet nearby. The dragons white scales glistened in the fading sunlight as the massive head matched his height and peered at him with examination.

Dethadrin found it hard to believe that he had missed the dragon resting outside the city. Though now was a good time as any to ask the one question that was on everyone's mind.

“Teraskonarr... why did you sit idly by as the city was attacked?”

A thoughtful grumble followed, as the dragons' eyes narrowed and brought a brief silence.

“Norein was killed before the battle... betrayed... murdered. I will not delve into internal quarrels of your people. My blood cools and my dreams grow brighter.”

Teraskonarr turned his head and gazed at the lowering sun in the distance.

“Norein is gone and this is scarcely the place for me to rest and await another... if there is another... be careful young one.”

The dragon gave no time to reply, as its wings stretched high into the air and lifted its massive frame effortlessly into the sky.
Dethadrin watched Teraskonarr silhouetted in what remained of the lowering sun, which soon faded with a few final rays of sunlight.

* * *

“Find him, we cannot linger in the city much longer.”

Althran felt his anxiety rising, as the group prepared to make way under the cover of darkness. Yet they were still missing Dethadrin which happened to be creating a great deal of fuss.

The prince observed the rolling lanterns from the Brakist ships' anchored on the outskirts of the bay. Gidras had managed to flee aboard his family's Dragon-ship during the aftermath of the city siege.

“He will be difficult to apprehend for questioning and even more so to charge with treason.” Came a soft voice beside him, to which he noticed the beautiful Lucinia, standing elegantly tall with her head held high. Her bright blue eyes could be seen within the dark hood she wore, and they seemed to be examining him.

“Ah so your focus has shifted then?” Replied Althran while fidgeting with the dark scale armor, almost nervously.

“I am not sure where my focus stands after what I saw in the citadel. How could Toran have made it this far...” With a shake of her head she turned to him and continued.” You are all still in my custody, though there is much I will need to discuss with Velnos before this is all over.”

Althran let out a light chuckle which seemed to annoy her, before composing himself to answer.

“Well then slap the shackles on me and take me away my lovely vixen.”

Further conversation was silenced with the approach of Soretu, who happened to be accompanied by the missing Dethadrin.
The captains arm was in a sling across his chest amongst other bandaging from the numerous wounds, and would flinch with every step of his hawk upon his shoulder.
The entire group had dawned dark hooded cloaks to conceal their shimmering armor beneath. As the fewer eyes that would see them leave, the better.

Althran turned his head to see Adalinusi still sitting in silence at the head of the small rowboat. Her gaze, frozen upon the rippling dark water, while clutching the great-sword close to her chest.
The bodies of their fallen friends had been loaded earlier in the day... onto the small hawk ship 'Tieris', which he had arrived on; and would now be slipping off from the fleet to rendezvous down the coastline.

“Is everyone ready?” Came the familiar and harsh voice from Velnos, who happened to be siting near the stern of the rowboat. Though only an outlined shape could be seen from the dark cloak and the night sky, he continued.

“Quietly now.”

* * *

The 'Tieris', was designed for speed and though its armaments and size were lacking in comparison to his old 'SilverMist'. The hull cut through the waves in a way no Eagle-class could ever do, and made up for its weakness with far superior maneuverability.
Soretu admired the prow of the Hawk-class vessel, while he enjoyed the wind upon his face and the spray of the sea.

He winced as Sethai made a step on his wounded shoulder, his friend never seemed to enjoy his right side.
Soretu adjusted his sling over the dark robes he wore and looked up at the tall mast with full canvas sails; they were heading for Ulthuan, though where on the massive island... had yet to be determined.
Leaving the port was successful and was as far as the planning went... The group had kept to themselves for most of the two days. Everyone grieved in their own way as the victory if you could call it that, had taken a high price with it. Mighty prince's slain, daemons banished and a city left with scars of battle... many had fallen that night.

“Mast on the horizon! Four points off starboard!”

Came a shout from above and with a quick turn, Soretu could see the ship in the distance.
It was heading straight for them.

* *

The unknown ship was close now, as it was a one masted sloop class which was even faster then the larger 'Tieris'. It carried the colors of the Rising Phoenix... and if Soretu's suspicions were correct, the agent of the king, Toleran Finlais would be aboard.
Most of their group had gathered with the commotion on the top decks to watch the ship's approach, and wondered if it was pure chance to be found so far out on the ocean.

Adalinusi was standing just a few paces away with her magnificent golden breast-plate and white robes which draped to the deck, though despite her fresh and maintained appearance, the solemn features of grief could not be shaken. It was her eyes that spoke to Soretu, a sense of disbelief and sorrow could be seen within.
While just a few paces behind her stood Velnos, the dark armored guardian that shadowed Ada regularly. He now wore a massive white sword upon his back beneath his dark hooded cloak, and no longer carried his two swords upon his hip, which now had been replaced with his quiver of arrows and dark ebony bow.
Velnos shared Adalinusi's look of pain in his eyes, as did they all.

“This could get interesting.” Spoke a familiar voice from behind him.
Soretu turned to see Dethadrin, still garbed in his tattered gray robes and carrying a look as though he had trouble resting.

“More trouble most likely.” Soretu replied with a slight shake of his head, and returned his gaze to the small sloop which required a long plank to reach the tall 'Tieris' deck.
The first to come aboard were four silent sword-masters in full shimmering silver armor, tall matching helms and white robes beneath. They almost floated across the deck with their light steps and signified that someone of great importance was about to come aboard.

It was a maiden who followed the escort, and her hair matched the glittering silver as the sun reflected off its length that reached her torso. The robes she wore were white with long streaming golden emblems which draped across the deck,and was cut at a length as to not impede her graceful steps.
As she approached, Soretu could see the full silver eyes that she bore, the mark of a seer elder... an Asur who could see things that could come to pass.

Upon her approach, those on deck stood in awkward silence save Velnos, who had seemed to recognize her with a drop to one knee and made to speak as she drew closer.

“Lady Ceicil, the amulet is safe and a new guardian has been found, you humble us with your presence.”

She looked at those aboard the ship with an almost puzzled look, as her gaze could not find what she was looking for.

“Where is my son... where is Calehir?”

A still silence followed, as most of their eyes met the ground in response to the question.

“Fallen my lady, protecting what he loved most and saved us all.”

Soretu caught a glimpse of Althran answering the question as he moved through those on deck, his white robes catching in the occasional gusts of wind.

“Impossible... I have seen what is to come, I--”

Ceicil froze in place upon her last words as her gaze met Adalinusi, and her expressions changed completely as one of her hands outlined the armor Ada wore.

An elf in a dark silver scale armor with an odd blue hue and white robes, strode off the boarding plank and came to stand beside the elder, who continued to examine Adalinusi.
Soretu smiled as her recognized Toleran immediately... agents of the Phoenix king were always known for their timing.

“We are here to escort you all to Ulthuan, or more so... Lothern. These games in the shadows stops here.” Toleran spoke loud and confidently as he gazed at all those on board of the 'Tieris'.

“No...” Answered Ceicil, before even Soretu could make a protest.

“She wears my armor.”

“Yes”, replied Althran as he came to stand beside Ada and continued.
“This is Adalinusi Sora'Tosh from the line of Autair Sora'Tosh, born at the lost tower of Ethanus, in the realms of men... her mother happened to have guardian blood.”

“You carry his child, I can feel its life force within you.”

Ceicils' response seemed to hit everyone with a stunning force and caused another still silence. Soretu wondered if he had heard the elder correctly as he stood with a view from the forecastle of the ship.

Ada's hand instinctively passed over her stomach beneath the armor, as her face went pale and forced Althran to steady her from falling with a strong grip upon her shoulder-plate.

“The blood of two ancient lines... and that of a necessary human, come together to create...” Ceicil smiled with her own thoughts and ran her fingers along Ada's slim cheek.

“Your child may be the single most important event in our history, no Toleran there has been a change of plans... Asuryan kept her from my visions... kept her from all our seers.”

“I must protest...”

“No, you will not. Though they will answer to you, Lucinia you are being reassigned and are to accompany this group. The Phoenix court will never be able to openly dismiss the massive amounts of conspiracy evidence against you all. Exile is your only option and may be the best choice given all that has happened.”

Ceicil paused for a moment and looked up at the clear blue sky.

“I hereby banish Adalinusi Sora'Tosh, Soretu Deflar, Velnos Fei'kin, Dethadrin Von'Sil and Althran Drokar... to exile. You are to transfer your goods onto this new ship 'Sola' and are to travel to a small estate near the Tower of the Rising Sun in the East. It has been a part of the Draconis line for a thousand years, though only a steward remains to watch it. You all are also charged with guarding the heir to the Draconis family and the amulet Adalinusi wears; you all will train the child for greatness and perhaps we will gain a powerful guardian like no other.”

As the Ceicil finished, Toleran glanced up towards Soretu with a smile and said.

“Do not worry, I have reports of the “SilverMist'... I mean the “Elunas', traveling in that direction... I am sure you will have plenty of friends.”

* * *

The darkening skies ahead made Anoras smile as he weaved his hands in circular and angled symbols from the forecastle of the mighty dragon-ship 'Sunblade', it was his storm and this fleet would be amongst it in a matter of minutes.
His sky blue robes whipped back and forth as the wind would come in sporadic directions.

“Anoras! Why are we not following that ship that broke our formation a few nights ago! Those damned Fei'kins' are to blame, I am certain of it! This fleet is mine now!” Came an angry voice from behind him, and by the tone... could only be the one and only Gidras Brakist.

“Oh I don't believe so... your brother, or should I say Toran; signed the will declaration to me. Upon the deaths of both Brakist brothers, it is a shame you were lost at sea Gidras.”

As Anoras finished, he gripped his right hand in the form of an odd claw and circled his left with a spin on his heels to face the shocked Gidras.
The ship began to rise with the growing waves as Anoras paralyzed the hopeless elf before him, and picked him up into the air with a small magical tornado.

“No... I think I will turn my attentions to the White Tower, it is about time I return... yessss yesss it is.”

With his final words, he threw Gidras through the massive amounts of rain that now fell upon the deck, and into the darkness where the ocean awaited the doomed and silver armored brother.

The End

Well kinda the end, haha always leave room for more :wink: though i am pretty happy with how it turned out, though i am no where near a descriptive writer, i hope you enjoyed the storytelling. Perhaps I will delve into more in the future, but for now I guess thoughts on how it all panned out are very welcome, as well as advice in any form. :mrgreen: thanks to everyone for the support.

Re: Part 34- Epilogue . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:01 pm
by Aicanor
Well, you couldn't resist to kill at least one more elf in the epilogue, or could you? It is true it was slightly less sad, but not by that much. By the way, did Dethadrin already look so miserable that she didn't have heart to banish him too or what? ;)

Oh and well done. :D

Re: Part 34- Epilogue . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:16 pm
by Larose
Haha I don't know what you mean Aicanor... :wink: edited, haha thanks.

Yea I've always seen the high elves as victorious through great sacrifice and thought it suitable to end with :)

Re: Part 34- Epilogue . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:36 pm
by Aicanor
I should stay silent, then Deth would be free to return to Ulthuan. Although I suspect he wouldn't. :) And I am sure you understand quite well. Heheh

Re: Part 34- Epilogue . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:15 pm
by Larose
Lol yep just when he thought he was free... You pulled him back in! :wink: though he did mention a bit of curiosity over this new "sky chariot" from Lothern, probably for the best though. Wouldn't want the new inventions bursting into flames under the notion of nonsense. :lol:

Re: Part 34- Epilogue . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:58 pm
by Aicanor
I am sure the new contraptions will make their way to their exile eventually. Not sure why it is said to be from Eataine... Probably it is useful when trying to get from ship to ship without getting all wet and salty? :mrgreen:

Re: Part 34- Epilogue . The Shadow Knights

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:07 pm
by Larose
pfft you're not truly sailing if you're not all we and salty? lol Oh o ... he're a little treat for you Aicanor, can't say how often I'll be able to throw them out there. But I did have the itch today as you can see hahaha

Dark Skies

Chapter 1 Part 1

The rolling sea was all he could see on this day without a cloud in the sky, and only a light breeze to give relief from the suns' blistering heat.
Yet not all was calm, the sea happened to be littered with wooden planks and bodies of sailors, both struggling to stay afloat. Their ship was making its way to the bottom of the sea, the damned elves used massive bolt throwers designed to puncture below the water line; and here were the results.
Three frigates were barely enough to apprehend the already wounded slave-ship and it still brought one of theirs to the bottom.

“Inquisitor Lucius!” Came a shout from the main deck below and startled his reminiscing mind.

He slowly turned upon the heels of his crimson dyed leather boots and ran his fingers along the tip of his wide brimmed matching hat. It was curved upwards on its left side, and allowed his hand to feel the long white plumed feather that fluttered with the refreshing breeze.
Lucius was actually completely matching with red leggings and a long jacket that reached his knees.
One could point out that it was not the traditional garments worn by the Inquisition, yet his status as the third son of a Baron from the Empire would prove otherwise. He enjoyed looking his best, though the heat was proving a problem and caused him to adjust the collar of his white ruffled shirt beneath. Lucius also wiped the sweat from his brow and pushed away the strands of his brown hair, which impeded his vision and came to a length just past his ears.

“Inquisitor Lucius!” Came a shout for a second time, though now the sailor had made it to the staircase and was approaching the bridge deck of his ship... the 'BlackThorn'.

The sailor was breathing hard from the weight of his breastplate over his gray wool tunic and steel helm that was angled towards the center with a peak. The man held himself up with his long blood covered halberd and spoke.

“ We have found a pale elf, he is not like the darker ones on the ship and was attached to a slave oar, he must come from the misted island... we are bringing him now.”

Lucius felt his heart jump with the new opportunity, finally a scent he could maybe follow.
It had been two years since his assignment, though it had apparently been thirty since the disappearance of the Inquisitions prized agent. Most thought her dead, though Lucius knew a very important detail that had been closely guarded... she carried elven blood... a blessing of long life. Though her trail was cold, taverns had once carried whispers of a human living amongst the elves... whispers of a hybrid race.

To which he cringed, he hated magic and all the abominations that came with it.
His hands instinctively brushed over his long sword and repeater pistol, his favorite tools... save the long two handed and double sided hammer that rested along his back.

The elf being led by two similarly armored sailors, was a far-cry from any elf Lucius had seen or had just finished fighting for that matter. A long brown and matted beard molded with the matching long hair and the remnants of a red tattered robe; is all that could be described by the sight that now reached the top of the stairs. The robes were more like rags, torn from the slavers whips and made real by the scars that could be seen beneath. Though his eyes were still sharp, brown... and angry.

Yet before Lucius could warn the imbecile who released his grip to wipe the sweat from his eyes, the spectacle started and was rather impressive.
Even with manacled wrists and feet, the elf was able to drop low with a strike to the imbecile's knee and back up in a flash with another to the throat.
The sailor might have well just given the halberd to the prisoner, as he fell back clutching his throat with eyes as wide as a silver coin; and there was more.
The second sailor and what the Empire had deemed 'competent'; fumbled with his halberd from the strong downward jerking motion, and soon felt the shaft of the weapon striking him with a force that sent him over the rail.

Though unforeseeable to some, Lucius had kept his distance for this very reason and had already drawn his pistol.
He fired twice striking the elf in the arm and leg, followed by a pause to allow the effect to sink in before he spoke.

Lucius looked on at his choking guardsman with a shake of his head.

“I have four more... shall we continue? Or would you like to talk?”

The halberd was already on the deck and the elf gave a painful nod while sitting back against the rail.

“Good.” Continued Lucius as he paced the deck observing the figure before him, gun still at the ready.

“Let us start with your name... you are from the land they call Ulthuan, are you not?”

The dark brown eyes met his own blue ones, as his captive stared on with a deep and almost condescending aura despite his position.

“What is it that you want from me?” The elf responded in almost perfect human tongue, rare in itself.

“ I see you have spent some time at port... or some sort of dignitary perhaps? I search for an abomination, something rather new to this world if you can believe it. And by the way you are looking at me... I'd say you share some of my feelings though obviously from the wrong side.”

Lucius stepped a bit closer and squatted to his level.

“I search for a woman... hair the color of a raven, eyes like the ocean and ears such as yours.”

The elf paused in thought, before Lucius recognized a glimmer of remembrance as the brown eyes met his once again.

“I am Gidras Brakist, Merchant prince of Lothern and Commodore of the Silver Fleet... And... I know of whom you speak.”

Re: Part 1 - Dark Skies

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:41 pm
by Aicanor
Yes! Such a treat for Aicanor's tastes. :mrgreen:

PS: Throw who out there? Elves? Into the ocean waves? ... ... ... No, I know all too well what you mean. Hope you'll have more success than me - I'm still working things out, just very slowly. :)

Re: Part 1 - Dark Skies

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:13 pm
by Larose
ha, as if i just throw elves into the open waves.... :? or do i? lol Just don't over think the plot as you're writing, it'll take away from you're story telling :wink: the rest comes after in editing haha and its as if the characters don't want to be put on the shelf just yet.. here's part 2 :lol:

Chapter 1 Part 2

“Load it up lads, I will be down at the tavern.” The captain spoke in a regal tone to match the smile that followed.
He then turned and strode down the docks with his trusted hawk, that nimbly landed on his golden shoulder-plate, and which molded with the breast-plate he wore over his white robes and leggings. The black boots upon his feet came up just below the knee and matched his long dark cloak that draped the wooden planks of the dock.

Kendrik grunted once more as he lifted yet another sack full of grain, all part of a shipment for the manor from a nearby port.
Sweat was beading down his forehead and soaking into his white-silver hair. It was hot and the sailing gear he wore was not helping; the brown leather leggings seemed to enhance the heat and allowed some sweat to pool down into his brown sailing boots. Though thankfully, he wore a white shirt beneath the brown leather vest, which helped...a bit.

“Captain Soretu, a moment.” Came a shout that immediately caught his own attention, and that of Soretu. Which caused the captain to turn, while his hand casually passed through his long golden hair and waited for the elf quickly approaching.

The dark red shoulder length hair and black robes, marked the elf as Zen'istor. A captain of the manor's second ship, and Soretu's long time friend.
Kendrik made to sit upon a barrel of ale and glanced over at the two captains speaking together.
The town was small compared to the port that they had just returned from, the Tower of the Rising Sun contained docks bustling with activity and life. Unlike 'Ilnas', the small and rather boring place he called home.
The town was built out of a dull gray stone from cliffs on the other side of the island, which could be reached within a day. As was the small gated manor upon a hill that overlooked the small town... and was actually his home. The Draconis Manor, a refuge of his fathers family and of whom he had never met.
Some life for a prince he sneered with passive anger, as he looked at the remaining supplies that needed to be loaded up.
He glanced back at the two Captains who happened to be staring in his general direction, and caused him to act as though he had been continually working.

“Kendrik! Put those down and accompany me, time for some new lessons.” Came a shout from Soretu which rather startled him, and caused a bit of hesitation.

Yet he soon found himself walking into the 'Green Isle' tavern,the place he always passed yet never visited; and to his surprise, happened to have a great amount of activity.
It was one great wide room with a fountain on the far wall and a red oak bar that spanned the right length of the wall. While matching tables and chairs were occupied with groups of gambling sailors in obnoxious merriment. While some were full of the local militia patrols, which he could point out from their armored appearances; others were locals from the surrounding area, and the maidens, all adorned in colorful and revealing gowns.
A few caught his eye as he followed the captain through a room full of formal salutes and greetings to Soretu, despite the location.
The two settled on a table at the back of the room beside the large fountain, and where Krendrik noticed a few flutes and a harp being played in the corner.
He recognized one of the flutists as Eilesa, a maiden that trained with him in his Arcane courses with Dethadrin. An excellent student and rather skilled in the magical arts, unlike himself... who happened to lose concentration more often then not.
Her green eyes were closed as she played the flute, and allowed him to watch her slim graceful movements and the sway of her long brown hair. She wore a rich and long white gown with red roses embroidered along its sleeves and the lower extremities. Which with everything put together, seemed to make his heart jump... and it almost did as Soretu's hand clasped his shoulder with a thud that jolted Kendrik forward.

“It is like the sun dear boy, if you stare too long... it will surely burn out your eyes. And well with an arcane maiden such as her... they can get pretty creative.”

Joint laughter followed as Kendrik composed himself and noticed two mugs of ale on their table, and one of the waitresses from earlier... was now seated on the captains lap and admiring his hawk.

“Its ale Kendrik, a glorious creation and far superior then the wine they drink in court... just don't tell your mother.”

A quick stern glare followed the later part, as Kendrik made to grab the mug and eagerly held it to his lips. He realized he was beyond thirsty, and somehow it tasted better then the first time trying it a year ago.

A few hours passed with idle talk between the two and the odd conversation about sailing and the progress he was making. The captain clearly loved the sea and would even ramble on about tales of war with his beloved 'SilverMist' which was now the 'Elunas', and still his to command.
The story's were so intriguing that Kendrik failed to notice Eilesa approaching, until she startled him with a light touch of his shoulder and a smile that almost froze him in place.

“Hello Kendrik, how are you?” She asked, as she bent down and drew her eyes closer to his with examination. “Isha's presence grows stronger in those dark eyes... I can see the white coils of her spirit.”

He had never been this close to her, and her smooth features made him blush as he sought for something to say.

“I... hi Eilesa, you played wonderfully.” Is all that came to mind, yet it seemed to work as she straightened herself up with another smile.

“Well hell... the boys a natural.” Came a chuckling voice from behind him, whom he knew was Soretu, and therefore ignored it.

“My mother insists I practice the musical arts as much as the arcane... unfortunately, though thank you Kendrik.” She finished with her smile for but a moment, before Kendrik noticed her gaze turn to someone nearby, and who happened to be speaking.

“Isha's presence... you mock her with this half human bastar--.” It was a local from a nearby table that spoke, yet did not get to finish.
As Kendrik rose from his seat in flaring anger, and connected his boot to the elf's chest... which sent him reeling backwards and out of his chair.
Though the table had two others, which one jumped to his feet and threw a punch that hit Kendrik in the cheek, and staggered him backwards.
Soft hands followed and grasped him to help balance, it was Eilesa with a concerned look upon her face... and a bit of anger.

Kendrik only smiled as the room seemed to sway far more then when he was siting; and because he watched Soretu throw a punch of his own while shouting to the nearby sailors.

“Contain them!” He was shouting over and over, and his hawk... was calmly walking along the bar top.

An odd thing that Kendrik found himself notice, even with all the commotion... which was now a room full of shouting and restraint.

The captain was now walking towards him and he did not seem too impressed... as he had a cut lip of his own.

“Now how am I going to explain this to your mother...”

* *

“A what?” His mother shouted for a second time, in which Kendrik could not help but chuckle at the squirming captain.

“It was a girl... alright Ada? And you would have done the same if you heard the words they spoke. And I think he's learned a lesson or two.”

“Well that is the last thing he needs right now... a tavern Soretu... and it is barely evening. What happened to keeping a low profile?”

She retorted and brought out some ointment to which she dipped her fingers to spread it over his sore cheek.

The captain sighed and gave her a light nod.

“You are right Adalinusi, forgive me.” A smile came to Soretu's face, as he worded a sentence without a sound... lesson number three... is what Kendrik thought he was saying.
“Though the boy will need to learn the social aspects of our culture in all forms, I must go check on my ship.”

She let out a grunt of frustration as the door closed behind Soretu, and she turned her attention towards him once again.

“Are you alright?” She asked, to his simple reply of a nod.

Her hair was long, black and past her shoulders... random streaks of gray could be seen within the full straight hair. Even her ocean blue eyes had a couple small wrinkles he had never noticed. She was aging... slowly, yet it brought a small fear inside him. Did he have this weakness too?

Ada stood and went to grab the pitcher of water nearby, and while pouring him a glass, she spoke.

“So this Eilesa... brought a bit of trouble did she?” His mother sat back down on the nearby chair.

They were in the study, a side room in the Draconis manor, full of scrolls, books, maps and reports of the area itself. Were all organized in shelving that made up the walls of the entire room, with one lonely desk at its center.

Kendrik stopped looking about the room and made to answer her question, which started with a shake of his head.

“No... more my bloodline and my father, is my human blood really so disgusting! Why does it bring so much hate! I am a damn prince!”

He was almost shouting now, his face felt hot and his eyes watered. Though so did his mothers as she sat there in almost shock.

A long pause brought an odd silence to the room before she spoke.

“ If they only knew... I... just know that it is necessary Kendrik, do you hear me? You will have the answers you seek... in time and not tonight... just know you are more special then you could ever imagine.”

With that, her eyes were full of tears... and her words broken and misspoken. To which she stood and left the room, leaving him in a sombre mood to think on what she had just said.

Re: Part 2 - Dark Skies

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:44 pm
by Aicanor
Can a dark elf plot get too overthought? :mrgreen: Great way to meet Ada's son... I hope to meet other exiles soon. ;)

Re: Part 2 - Dark Skies

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:13 pm
by Larose
Haha simplicity in certain areas is a necessity :wink: :lol: and oh you will, Kendrik has much to learn :) part three coming soon

Re: Part 2 - Dark Skies

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:15 am
by Aicanor
Maybe you're right. Some actions tend to simplify matters considerably. Looking forward to the next part of your story!

Re: Part 2 - Dark Skies

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:28 pm
by Larose
Haha yes they can :wink: I unfortunately had a bit of writers block this week but here's a small part to keep the ball rollin. Lots of distractions unfortunately lol.

Chapter 1 part 3

“Now what could be so important as to have the need to wake me at such a late hour?” Althran asked as he entered the small study of the Draconis manor.

His beloved Lucinia, was seated behind the desk at the center of the room with Velnos siting across from her. She happened to be dressed in her dark gray traveling robes, which caused him to pause for a moment in wonder. Her bright blue eyes left the parchment in front of her and met his own with a worrisome look. She then sat back in the chair and brought both her palms up to rub her eyes and push back her long black hair before speaking.

“ I have just lost another agent, he passed shortly after arriving... poisoned. Though he was able to pass this to me upon his arrival, he died an hour ago even under the care of our healer.”

Althran's heart began to race as he sat in the remaining chair near Velnos, and reached out with his hand that met hers in a firm embrace.

“Poisoned? You are certain?” He asked almost rhetorically, as she was always certain in her reports.
Althran looked over to Velnos, who was fully armored and carrying every weapon in his arsenal. His white great-sword rested along the nearby shelving, along with his bow. The blackened scale armor still contained hidden daggers that were concealed by his dark hooded cloak. Giving him the look that Althran hadn't seen since their banishment.
His misty gray eyes finally rose from their glare on the floor and turned their attention to Althran.

The three of them made an eerie sight in the dark study, and gave of an aura of dark tidings.

“ You wear your armor?” Althran stated once again rhetorically to the annoyance of Velnos, who gave a slight nod.

“ We think the one responsible is on the island, our healer assumes with a degree of certainty that the poison had to have been administered only a few days ago. And since the voyage takes many months at sea... it is a safe assumption.” Lucinia continued, as her gaze returned to the parchment.

“And what is worse, is this report speaks of dark tidings from the White Tower, the influence of Ceicil Draconis is dwindling. Someone else has the Lore-masters confidence, and we all know our banishment destroyed any chance of gaining support from the Phoenix court, or the king himself... Our list of friends grows thin.”

A still silence followed as Lucinia spoke, dark tidings indeed he thought as his mind raced.

“Was your agent able to give us any information at all? Someone suspicious, anything?” Althran asked as his anxiety began to rise. They had grown accustomed to the carefree island life on the edge of the world.

Lucinia gave a slight shake of her head.

“The poison destroyed his voice first, he barely made it off the ship.”
She answered and handed the parchment to him.

Althran glanced over the report and noticed the rune at the bottom of the page, it was the symbol of 'vigilance' and the same rune on the 'shadow knights' insignia... it was a letter from Ceicil Draconis. And at the very bottom was another rune, 'caution'.

Things were going to get worse.

* * *

Kendrik yawned with exhaustion and gave his head a slight shake, a failed attempt to wake himself for the training that had come abruptly, and unusually early.

Althran stood across from him in the main courtyard, wooden sword and shield in hand; waiting for Kendrik to advance once again and attempt to strike the 'black prince'. Which he would say... was not going so well.

He winced in pain as he took a step forward, Althran's wooden sword had struck him hard in the leg... something was different... an eagerness in his trainers voice said it all.

“Come on then, you will never learn how to use your father's sword with strikes like that Kendrik! Advance!” Althran growled and took a step to the side, slowly circling his opponent.

Kendrik held the wooden great-sword in front of him and matched Althrans steps in the opposite direction. Creating a slow circling movement as the two closed distance.
He then took another step, followed by a spin that swung the sword in a ferocious horizontal arc. Though the prince nimbly slid back letting the sword hit nothing but air before attacking at the now vulnerable position Kendrik was in.
Althran blocked the return swing that Kendrik desperately threw in a final defiance before howling in pain from yet another strike to his leg. And within a flash, Althrans foot was behind Kendriks' heel and accompanied with a hard hit to the chest with the shield. The force sent Kendrik sprawling backwards with a hard thud of his back hitting the ground.

It became hard to breathe as the prince stood over him with only a small smile upon his face.

“Pain is the greatest teacher, get up!”


Most of the day continued such as this to where Kendrik lost count of how many welts and bruises he gained. Though he had hit Althran once in the shoulder... which had made it all the worse in the long run.

He also noticed Eilesa watching from the gate as the training ended, the rest of the day would be spent with Dethadrin. To which she could watch him be scolded for his lack of concentration.

He sighed...just another day.

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 1 Part 3

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:46 am
by Aicanor
I doubt Kendrik deserves the beating. But the training may come handy later. Knowing you, it definitely will. ;)

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 1 Part 3

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:17 pm
by Larose
haha always Aicanor! Always :wink:
Sorry bout the wait, been on vacation pretty much. Havent been in the house for 2 weeks, kinda puts the story telling on hold.
Though you may enjoy this part 8)

Chapter 2- part 1- A Growing Storm

“You better be certain Gidras, the garments and weapons I have given you are based upon our common goal.” Lucius spoke with his gaze transfixed upon the sea ahead, which blended with the growing dark cloud line in the distance.

Gidras took a step beside him and leaned forward on the rail. Lucius had given him some of his spare garments, which the elf seemed to be getting used to as the days passed. They were his traditional black Inquisition clothes that brought a small smile to Lucius.

“It is their only refuge, my brothers work was masterful and despite everything that had happened. No one could risk taking them back into the courts of Ulthuan or anything nearby for that matter. We have become a suspicious race, our dark kin always lurk in the back of our minds. Taking a risk to trust one under such scrutiny and amidst such conspiracy, would be madness and political suicide. No... they are there, that I guarantee.”

Lucius examined the elf closely as he spoke, he had regained his youthful look with the removal of his beard; and seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. He would have to be weary with this one... they needed each other for the moment, yet for how long... and what was this amulet.

“Your guarantee better be correct Gidras, this voyage to the ends of the world is rather out of the way. And remember... all I want is the girl, do what you will with your magic and trinkets. The world is changing and they will matter not in the new age.

Their gaze's met once more in which Lucius noticed a small change in the elf's composition... yes he would not hesitate if given the chance, though for now, things were progressing rather well.

* * *

The sun no longer blessed them with its warmth as it descended in the skyline with a beautiful red and yellow glow, which pierced the clouds in the distance. It also cast long shadows amongst the nearby trees along the manor's walls.

Yet another long day of training with Kendrik and yet another day of little progress. Dethadrin was beginning to think Eilesa was more of a distraction, though the bond between the two was undeniable.

“Something on your mind?” Came the low voice of Velnos, who usually joined him in these walks in a pondering silence. Though now he wore his battle armor and was armed to the teeth, and had prompted Dethadrin to do the same.
It had been some time since he had worn his blade upon his waist, it felt heavy, as did his plated circlet upon his brow which matched his silver shoulder-plates. The long white and blue robes reminded him of a time in which he tried to push from his mind, though it returned with vivid reality.

“Kendrik is skilled with the blade... like his father, yet the winds elude him and he lacks concentration... unlike his father. I see Isha's blessing within him, though his mind is weak as if something blocks Hoeth's wisdom.”

A still silence followed as they both walked down the winding dirt road which led to the town at the foot of the hill.

“Khaine.” Responded Velnos, whom then stopped to look up at the growing night sky.

“He has anger within him, the same anger I grew up with.”

Dethadrin paused in thought over Velnos's words, it could be part of the problem.

“How did you overcome it?”

A smile came to Velnos, as he turned to him and spoke.

“I Still have it.”

Upon those words, his smile subsided with a quick jerk of his head, as his gaze turned back to the town.

“Found you.” He said in a low tone as swirls of misty energy coiled around him, and then he vanished.

“Wait!” Dethadrin shouted and made into a sprint down the hill.

Soon he realized he was out of shape as he paused to catch his breath and peered into the dark alley ways nearby. The dull gray stone work blended together in the dimming light, until he felt the winds of magic.
Dethadrin glanced left to see two pockets of gray energy and within a flash, the clang of swordplay. Then nothing but smoke, and more clashing in the unseen distance.

Two practitioners of the winds of Shadow!? Damn them both he cursed as he continued to run and try to follow the sounds and sporadic bursts of energy.
Though he had studied all of the winds, he had specialized in True magic, and was rather useless without his books and scrolls in the other forms... and teleportation was dangerous without regular practice.

He passed by house after house, many of the same as Velnos bounced back and forth through the town chasing his foe.
Dethadrin's anger was rising and as he turned a corner, the two were as close as they had ever been, both wielding great-swords with amazing grace. Though he had enough of this game.

Dethadrin held out his hands and drained the nearby winds, no longer would this game of cat and mouse be played.

However, the unknown foe who was clad in dark robes and seemed to be armored beneath. Threw dust into the air from a hidden pocket and into the eyes of Velnos, followed by kick that sent him reeling backwards and down a small slope.

The same hand reached out as the foe turned his attention to Dethadrin and attempted to halt the draining of the winds.

Shock crept into Dethadrin's mind as the power this one wielded was remarkable. The coiling energy created enormous pressure between them as their robes fluttered chaotically and kept Velnos from being able to climb the small slope.

How could this be!?

Dethadrin's mind raced as he felt his anger rise and his face felt hot. He felt his eyes flare white and his voice boom with resonance.


To which he heard Velnos shout in the back of his mind.


The blast that followed made a cracking boom with a force that left his hands and into the direction of the foe before him. The shock-wave that accompanied it, carried the foe into the air and with such a force that he broke through the stone wall of the nearby house behind him.

Dust filled the air with an eerie silence... and the faint screaming of a maiden within the house.

Dethadrin was breathing hard as his eyes met those of Velnos... who showed disappointment.

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 1

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:01 pm
by Aicanor
I can't believe I failed to comment for this long... It seems there are more residents in need of some practice. :mrgreen:

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 1

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:40 am
by Larose
Haha yea I'm sticking with the old magic for story continuity, yet going to bring a few new elements in, such as the lore master. Whom I'd say is a rarity that goes with being able to wield multiple winds. I like to relate magic to trades in which people specialize and become masters of their chosen path. Now mind you immortality allows a lot more time to study. But then again it could be argued that magic is extremely complex and requires constant use and maintenance to wield it at its full potential :wink:

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 2

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:40 pm
by Larose
Part 2

* * *

Squawking gulls littered the docks with a cacophony of noise which irritated Lucius to the very core. They were everywhere, soaring high amongst the tall spires of the port city, perched upon its high curtain walls, and hobbling about the wooden planks that supported the nearby markets; all of which waiting for their next meal.
The Tower of the Rising Sun was a bustling port full of elves and humans from far and wide. Ships were docked and anchored throughout the entire bay, and gave the look of a chaotic concert that somehow seemed organized.
Small boats were being unloaded with supplies meant for the busy market, which compiled of fruit, fish , clothing, weapons and exotic goods; none of which he needed.

Gidras was a few steps ahead of him, looking like an oddly shaped human with his inquisition garments. Gaining him second glances from nearby humans who knew what the clothing signified, and puzzled looks from elves who recognized his features.
Two of his men walked on either side of the elf as they passed their way through the crowd, they also wore the wide brimmed hats and long coats of the Inquisition. As they were part of his personal retinue, both armed with the newest repeater rifles, pistols and swords of the finest steel. He had two dozen of them aboard his ships, and couldn't afford to allow those incompetent mercenaries from the Empire to keep an eye the dangerous elf.

Though as they passed through the long stretching markets that reached the base of the walls and the main gate, Lucius was growing suspicious on whether Gidras was telling the truth; this was hardly a place for a group of exiles.

“What is this world coming to? Damn elves dressed like humans and breeding with each other, digusting!” Came a voice from nearby, which caught his attention and caused Lucius to signal his men to stop.

It was an old man with long gray hair and a beard that was almost as ragged as the torn clothes he wore. A beggar, with a wooden bowl in front of him.
Lucius approached slowly and stopped to the sounds of grunts and a rifle hitting the wooden docks.
He turned his head to see one of his men holding their stomach and the other gripping the back of his head and kneeling on one knee; further down was the black hat and jacket he had given Gidras. He let out a long sigh as the bustling crowd made it impossible to pick out the fleeing elf.

“Old man, did you say breeding?” Lucius spoke with a new smile as he pulled out two gold coins, and flipped them between his fingers. He watched the beggars eye's grow wide and follow the flipping coins before speaking.

“Aye, not long ago I saw one with white silver hair and odd ears, I could pick him out at a mile amongst these folk. He's a half breed and travels with elves on a mighty ship.”

“So he must live nearby... good old man, now begone.” Lucius growled and gave a hard kick to the mans shoulder, which sent him backwards and into the water down below.

“Up on your feet and find me a local map you idiots, we will find this manor... it can't be far.”

* * *

The room was rather silent as they had all gathered in the study once again, though a body now rested upon the desk. Althran, Dethadrin and Velnos stood on one side of the desk, while Lucinia and Soretu were on the other.
Adalinusi stood at the head of the table looking down upon the face of their attacker. His neck had snapped with the impact and the back of his head was soaked with blood from the hole the stone created.

“So what do we know about him?” She finally asked to break the lingering silence.

“He was skilled with a blade, and could wield multiple Winds of magic with great strength... a rarity in itself.” Replied Velnos in a low tone which she had to strain to hear.

“He was an acolyte of the high Lore-master at the White Tower, they are given special tasks in support of Ulthuans armies... never for private tasks... never for assassinations.” Dethadrin spoke in a solemn voice with his eyes locked on the face of the elf.

“Could this be what Ceicil's letter spoke of? I find it hard to believe that someone could undermine her authority and gain access to wield a skilled Asur with such impunity... and for such a dark task.” Interceded Lucinia and brought a still silence to the room once again.

Ada looked over to where the items he carried were laid out on the chair nearby. A long great-sword, a few daggers and a blue disk with a crescent moon upon it. A symbol that none of them had seen before, and had an odd resemblance to that of which the Shadow Knights carried. Could a power struggle be happening between those at the White Tower?

“Tell the populace that it was a Druchii assassin and that the threat has passed. We cannot attract the attention of the Warden from the Tower of the Rising Sun, the death of an Asur would surely bring a full investigation. Dispose of the body and get some rest.” Lucinia continued and began to walk for the door.

“Oh and tell none of this to Kendrik, it will only bring more questions Ada.”

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 2

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:57 pm
by Aicanor
Nice chapter (again!) But I know for a fact this "don't tell him, its for the best" plot never works out in the end... [-X :wink:

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:36 pm
by Larose
Thanks, haha if only they had you nearby as their Advisor Aicanor! So many mistakes would be avoided... but then again it's all part of the story isn't it? :lol: :wink:

Part 3

Lucius stood upon the forecastle of his ship and gazed upon the lights from the small town in the distance. He had found a few small islands from the map, and with a bit of charm in the markets, it was not long before he had narrowed it down to one.
Yet what was truly interesting... was this trinket that everyone wanted and seemed to fill his mind as of late, a lust for it if you would. That little blue wizard had mentioned it, though it was only after Gidras had spoke of it, that it clouded his mind. And now, it was close.

“Inquisitor Lucius, dawn will break before we arrive... what are your orders?” Came a voice from behind him, a mercenary officer named Torik... and one of the few who were not completely useless.

“Beat to quarters, ready the guns and signal the 'Sigmarite' to prepare a landing force. We target the ships in the bay, and we burn the town... no one leaves the island.”

“Burn the town sir?”

“Yes damn it! Torik, we are detaining a resident in a small town, the populace is to be considered hostile... leave no witnesses.”

* * *

The following morning started with a noticeable lack of enthusiasm, as everyone seemed to be in deep thought over the dark events from the previous few days.
Althran was no exception to this and had found his way to the back courtyard of the manor. Soretu seemed to be in the same state of mind and was standing near some foliage beneath a tall palm tree, which shaded him from the morning sun. His faithful hawk was perched upon his gold shoulder-plate as usual, though the weapons he wore were testament to the nervous atmosphere that enveloped them all.
The silver armor that Althran wore was a far cry from what he had before the events in Copher, yet it was light and from the markets of the nearby island city. His black robes fluttered with the morning breeze, and his flowing dark hair impeded his vision as he walked to where the captain stood.

“Why do I feel as though we are destined for more turmoil... over thirty years without an incident, and now it seems to be happening ever so quickly.” Soretu spoke softly and scratched his hawk gently, while he turned towards him.

To which Althran smiled as he looked up into the blue sky, and after a pause, he responded.
“It is inevitable, we live too long and see too much. Our past was bound to catch up with us. What we protect will always be sought after. Though the question is... why now.”

Soretu nodded in agreement and joined his gaze into the sky.
“Perhaps it was just a matter of time before they found us...”

Althran turned his gaze back to the captain who seemed lost for words with an odd expression on his face. And before he could ask what was wrong, piercing eagle cries echoed from above.

Words could not express the confusion he felt as his eyes met the massive flying contraption in the sky. A massive barge that resembled more of a small ship, floated through the air and was being pulled by three of the biggest great eagles he had ever seen. Massive chains attached them to the beautifully crafted ship, which seemed to be bustling with activity on its main deck.
Though what truly caught Althran's attention, was the massive pennant that fluttered at its rear... the Rising Phoenix.

The two of them had to take more then a few steps back, as the massive barge made a circle above the manor and finally came to a soft landing in the rear court yard, which luckily spanned a decent length and width for it to rest.
Althran was amazed to see the barge hover just a few feet above the ground, as eagles planted their claws to keep it level. They towered above him on a scale that could fit at least three riders on each.
Rope ladders were thrown over the sides and allowed armored Asur warriors to disembark and fan out across the yard without a word.

Though the final two to climb down seemed to be the ones to speak with, and Althran recognized one from the silver-blue armor and dark brown hair.
“Toleran, it is good to see you.” Hailed Soretu, as his friend turned and stopped short with only a quick nod. His eyes met the ground as his companion stepped forward, and stood almost a foot higher then the agent; and dressed in white robes with matching full armor.

“I am Philtorik Gar'is, Agent of the Phoenix Crown... mariner, would you please state our mandate.”

Althran felt his eyes widen as he watched Toleran step forward with a scroll and spoke.

“By divine mandate of the crown, and sapience support of the High Lore-master. I hereby declare the order to take the following into detainment: Adalinusi Sora'Tosh, Dethadrin Von'Sil, Althran Drokar, Velnos Fei'Kin, Soretu Deflar and Lucinia Drokar.”

* * *

Kendrik picked up yet another bag of grain and loaded it onto the nearby cart, the morning had been cold with strong winds from the sea. Yet the sun was now rising and bringing a warmth that also brought sweat from the heavy lifting. Why he continually wore the brown leather vest and leggings to keep him warm, was beyond comprehension and rather frustrating with the heat.

The docks were unusually busy with a few new fishing vessels and a small sloop that had just arrived and was being tied off. Though the supplies he was loading now, were from the ship the 'Ilunas' and its captain Zen'istor, stood nearby with a smirk on his face as he gazed out to sea... and occasionally watched Kendrik work.
“Two more ships approach... definitely a busy morning.” Zen'istor said to no one in particular and pondered over his own words. His dark red hair fluttered with the sea breeze, and his dark black robes seemed somehow comfortable in the rising heat.

A thud followed yet another bag as Kendrik dropped another sack of grain onto the cart. He turned to see the disembarking of the crew from the small sloop class vessel. To which they made the final preparations to keep the ship from drifting off as they unloaded their goods. Save one, who strode down the docks with an eagerness in his stride. His garments were odd, though he was an Asur. He wore a white ruffled shirt with black leather leggings which seemed... human made.

Odd, he thought as the stranger passed by him, yet slowed his pace and turned back in Kendriks direction.

“I search for the Draconis manor and those by the name Calehir and Adalinusi, is that it there upon the hill?”

He asked, to which Kendrik stood in shock, it had been some time since anyone had brought up his fathers actual name.

After a moment of pause, Kendrik regained his composure and replied.
“Calehir passed away over thirty years ago, though that is the manor you are searching for.”

He watched the strangers eyes widen to the news and mumble in regards to a damned slaver ship.

“You are certain of this?” He pressed with a forward step towards him.

Kendrik nodded once again and slowly said. “He was my father.”

“Thats odd, those ships are turning as if they mean to...” Zen'istor interjected unknowingly as he spoke out loud.
The stranger stood, with pure shock written across his face, which quickly turned to confusion from a staccato of booms that echoed in the distance.

“Take cover!” Zen'istor shouted, as splinters from a cracking ship exploded nearby and sent shrapnel in thousands of directions.

Projectiles littered into the city with blinding speed, breaking through the stone buildings with ease and followed by concussive explosions shortly after.
Kendriks head was spinning as he felt a strong grip upon his shoulder, which forced him into a low run towards the town. It was the stranger who was pushing him and jolted him behind the cover of a stone wall from a nearby building.
Zen'istor was not far behind as the explosions echoed from every direction, mixed with cries of pain from the locals nearby.
They stood for but a moment to catch their breath, to which stones crumbled at their feet with a massive ball that rolled through the hole afterward.
Kendrik recognized it as a cannon ball, though it contained a particular red burning fuse that was diminishing rather quickly.

“Run!” Shouted Zen'istor while stretching out his arm and pointing towards the manor, though before Kendrik could react; the stranger tackled him through the nearby window. An explosion followed the impact onto the floor of the house, and sent pieces of stone and dust throughout it.

The two coughed and slowly stood amongst the debris, the wall that they had been standing by, was now missing. The roof looked as though it were about to collapse, which hastened their recovery and Kendriks' frantic search for Zen'istor.
It did not take long for the two of them to find his torn body amongst the chaos of the ensuing attack. The captains leg was missing, and as well as a large part of his stomach... and he was not moving.
Kendrik felt tears along his cheeks and an overwhelming sensation to vomit.
Though the stranger grasped his shoulder once again and turned him towards the manor.

“We need to move boy! There is nothing we can do for him now!”

The strangers voice seemed distant and faint from the ringing in his ears. Kendrik could not help but gaze at his fellow Asur running for their lives and being torn to pieces wherever he looked... a massacre.
Yet his legs began to move and he kept up to the stranger who was leading him through the maze of buildings, and towards the manor upon the hill. Though to his dismay, parts of it were crumbling from the attack... no where seemed safe.

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 3

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:18 pm
by Aicanor
Well, it is happening so fast they wouldn't probably even have time not to tell him. And... another massacre... you are evil! :mrgreen:

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 3

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:05 am
by Larose
Evil!? What ever do you mean... :twisted: I can't help it if certain characters take matters into their own hands... :lol: just hoping they keep things compelling and unpredictable :wink:

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 3

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:06 pm
by Larose
Sorry for the delay, was in Toronto and busy with life... you know the important stuff hahah here's

Part 4

Adalinusi stood in the courtyard alongside her friends. It had taken little time for them to realize the commotion in the rear courtyard of the manor. The ship was massive!
She had just finished donning her armor before Velnos had entered with the news of their guests.
And now there was a knot of anxiety creeping through her stomach. She could feel the shadowed protective presence of Velnos behind her, most likely with his hands ready to draw the great-sword upon his back.

Lucinia stood to her right, garbed in a plain dark red dress, which accented her slim features and failed to conceal the multiple daggers upon her thighs. Her bright blue eyes showed a hint of anger and looked fearsome behind her dark black hair that reached her waist.
Even Dethadrin who stood nearby, looked as though he was ready for war. His eyes were pure white behind the silver plated circlet upon his brow, while his white and blue robes whipped with the wind and the gathering energy around him.
Even with the fully armed Althran and Soretu, whom stood off to her left, they were severely outnumbered... and being encircled.

Adalinusi slowly placed her left hand upon the white bow that rested across her chest and over her armor, while her right lightly brushed the arrows in the quiver hooked to the back of her waist.
Yet thankfully Lucinia delayed the inevitable and took a step forward to reply to the agent of the king.

“There is obviously some mistake, our exile has gone without incident. And I answer to Ceicil Fei'kin, adviser to Teclis... the High Lore-master of the White Tower.” She said coldly and brushed her hair back while taking another step forward. “We are not leaving.”

Ada felt a bit more confident in hearing her words, yet the smile upon the agents face... made her uneasy.

Philtorik countered Lucinia with a step of his own, and gazed upon them all, rather slowly before speaking.

“Master Teclis is away on state affairs, Ceicil is no longer at the tower, and these orders come from the throne... Finubar himself.” He paused once again and placed his gauntlet into a brown leather pouch at his side.

“Besides... Lady Fei'kin is the one who advised the King to send for you so quickly... Now.” He retorted calmly and pulled out a dark stone from the leather pouch.” Shall you come willingly? As I see Dethadrin seems rather reluctant and will force me to use this.”

Ada turned to see Dethadrin's eyes return to his normal brown, and his surrounding energy seemed to dissipate rather quickly.

“That is better, it is good you still recognize the 'Vortex shard', much has changed in your exile...'

The agent's smile subsided as his gaze turned upward with a puzzled look.

Faint noises echoed in the air and almost sounded as though...
Adalinusi felt her eyes grow wide as the sounds came closer, something she hadn't heard in years... cannon fire.

“We need to take cover!” She shouted just before the hissing sounds came closer and the cracking of stones erupted nearby.
An explosion came from within the manor sending pieces of stone and glass into the air.
Ada turned back to see the armored Asur guard, converging upon them with outstretched hands. Dethadrin was the first to be restrained and shortly after Althran.
Then it hit her... “Where's Kendrik!?” She exclaimed frantically and looked over to Velnos, who simply replied with a nod.
The cold feeling of an armored gauntlet grasped her hand and pulled her back from the make shift run that she attempted. Ada tried to pull and yank away, yet another armored elf stepped in front of her and began to push her towards the ship.

“My orders are clear... take the maidens, the Arch-mage and the Prince. They are our priority...leave the others if we must, move out!”

Philtorik's voice echoed above the commotion and brought a fury inside her. Though the more she called for the magical energy, the more empty she felt... as if she had not slept in days.

“Find him!” She shouted once more with all her might, and looked back in time to see Soretu and Velnos running towards the main gate.

* * *

Kendriks' pace began to slow as he followed the stranger past the last house before the sloped road to the manor. In fact he came to a full stop which seemed to puzzle and anger the stranger.

“Eilesa... I need to find her.” He simply stated and began to run along the base of the hill, she lived on the edge of town. Second from the right if he remembered correctly, her father was the captain of a fishing vessel. He had visited with Dethadrin when they had heard the rumors of her eyes... Isha had blessed her.

“Boy you are a fool!” Came a shout from behind him, yet he paid little attention to it. He couldn't just leave her here!

The houses streaked by as he felt renewed energy within him, his legs felt light and his breathing was surprisingly calm.
Screams could be heard, alongside what Kendrik recognized as orders... the militia must have been regrouping, though how well he could not tell.
The gun and cannon fire echoed through the air, which did not bode well for anyone trying to stand before it. His studies had encompassed the dreaded black-powder weapons, yet being amongst it was entirely another story.

Kendrik was coming up to Eilesa's house, which he took a quick moment to examine it for surety.
That is until he heard the piercing scream from within, and the gunshot...

He came upon the door mid sprint, it was half open and he could see figures inside. Kendrik pushed the door even wider with his momentum and barely thought upon what he would do next.
Two gray clothed humans with metal helms and carrying halberds, flanked yet another human dressed in a long black coat and wide brimmed hat. To which they slowly turned to hearing the door slam upon the stone wall.

Kendriks rage seemed to rush through him, as his hands grasped the head of one of the humans holding a halberd. And with all his momentum and strength, he proceeded to smash it as hard as he could upon the nearby wall.
A clang echoed through the room as the mans helm bent upon the wall and was followed by the collapse of his body upon the ground. Yet this barely seemed to slow Kendrik down as he jumped forward with yet again, outstretched hands towards the long coated human.
The man was able to turn in time to face Kendrik, yet not enough to point the rifle he carried. As Kendrik's hands clutched the metal device and pushed it into his chest with a force that brought them both to the ground.
His fists met the mans face as Kendrik pinned him on the ground with his knees upon his arms. The rifle had been dropped from the force of the tackle, which allowed Kendrik to strike without repute.
Even the cry of a blade ending the life of the remaining human, was not enough to bring Kendrik to his senses. All he could see was blood spraying with each strike of his numb fists and watching the mans head hit the stonework afterward.
He could hear the faint call of his name, yet he still struck over and over. It seemed to overwhelm him until the faintest touch upon his shoulder brought everything back to reality.

Kendrik looked up to see Eilesa standing over him with her hand upon his shoulder. A faint smile could be seen amongst her tears upon her cheeks. Once she realized his calming composure, she turned back towards the two bodies on the floor. Kendrik was able to see that it was her father... with a small wound to his chest, and her mother with multiple wounds that had clearly come from one of the halberds.

“We cannot linger here.” Came a solemn voice from the stranger.

Kendrik turned his head back to see the Asur warrior holding a bloodied blade; And also another figure that came in behind, though had a familiar look to him, it was Soretu!

“I thought that was you running! Kendrik we need to get out of here.” The captain said and made to walk towards him, yet stopped dead in his tracks as he gazed upon the nearby stranger.

“Gidras... is that you?” He continued plainly with a confused look.

“There is no time to explain, we need to move. This man is not to be trifled with.” Gidras replied and walked towards the door.

A gun shot came from nearby and echoed through the room, to which Gidras fell back against the stone wall clutching his arm.

“Gidras is that you!?” Came a shout from outside the house. “Oh my... my healer will not be seeing to that wound this time.” Exclaimed the voice once again, and was followed by laughter.

“All of you come on out, the house is surrounded.” Yelled the voice once the laughter subsided.

Kendrik hesitated for a moment before the stranger... who was apparently Gidras; began to shake his head in protest.

“They have new repeater rifles, we have no chance...”

Re: Dark Skies- Chapter 2 part 4

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:18 pm
by Aicanor
I was a slow reader this time, but now I am up to date. Life and Secret Santa project got in the way... Great read once again!